International Commodity & LME Pivot Point table will show you Daily support resistance with 3 major points. So the main factor to create a pivot point is the Previous Week's high, low and close price. It’s a big headache to count Daily pivot point for a trader and that’s why we have introduced this page where you can come back daily and get the currency comex & LME pivot levels. This page is updated daily to give you the Daily pivot points level for most of the scripts like Nse USD-INR, NSE EUR-INR, GBP-INR, JPY-INR, Comex Gold Silver LME Lead, Zinc, Nickel, Copper, Aluminium, Tin, and Much More
International Commodity & LME Pivot Point
Pivot Point
A technical indicator derived by calculating the numerical average of a particular stock's high, low, and close prices. The pivot point is used as a predictive indicator. If the following day's market price falls below the pivot point, it may be used as a new resistance level. Conversely, if the market price rises above the pivot point, it may act as the new support level.{getButton} $text={Currency Comex LME Weekly Pivot Points} $icon={preview} $color={#00B4FF} {getButton} $text={MCX Online Chart} $icon={preview} $color={#00B4FF}